The Third Mirror

& kedu? a dim mma is becoming a buried artifact

& you’re using a language that is not yours at a corner of a room

& you’re fixed and soaked in it: the rules or nothing more

& on the last day, with an uncooked way-back you said: let there be light

& and there were f(r)ictions and nonf(r)ictions and p(r)oems:

& a hat is stitched by an old man on a balcony

& a man back home speaks to you in falsetto from the graveyard

& a girl living next door unfurls her lips at you into butterfly’s wings

& your marrow has learnt how to contain the darkness in your body

& your mother prays halo over your head before you could wear her age

& the child you take care of has unraveled the amniotic push

in the knitting needles of an old woman forgotten in a retirement home.

& you remember your friend― innocent Uche, full of seals

until at school he was pulled away from his host by stray bullets

& a flag spreads before you

and holds you by the feet: footprints gathered at a port.

(“kedu? a dim mma” is the question and response for “how’re you? I’m fine” in Igbo Language)

Chinua Ezenwa-Ohaeto

Chinua Ezenwa-Ohaeto (@ChinuaEzenwa) is from Owerri-Nkworji in Nkerre, Imo state, Nigeria and grew up between Germany and Nigeria. His works have appear in Lunaris Review, AFREADA, Poet Lore, Rush Magazine, Frontier, Palette, Malahat Review, Southword Magazine, Vallum, Mud Season Review, Salamander, Strange Horizons, One, Ake Review, Crannòg magazine, The Question Marker, and elsewhere.



